Mix Things Up a Bit In Your Masturbation Routine

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I read an article recently that poses the question, “Is it bad to masturbate the same way each time?”

The article is targeted at females and female masturbation, but the basic gist is that it may not be bad to have a masturbation routine, but there are also advantages to mixing things up a bit. 

The article suggests that some people worry that consistently using the same techniques for stimulation during masturbation will condition them to only be able to orgasm that specific way. “There isn’t specific research that backs this up, but according to sex therapist Vanessa Marin, it’s not out of the realm of possibility. “It makes sense: If you’re only doing one thing over and over again, your body is going to get accustomed to that type of stimulation,” she says. And when you masturbate, you’re also conditioning your brain to respond to pleasure, so it’s possible that someone could get used to only orgasming from one stimulant, Bailey says.”

Speaking for myself — and speaking from the male perspective with a male twist on the issue / question — I generally find the opposite is true. Granted, I am talking about the visual or imaginative stimulation used during masturbation and not the masturbation techniques or methods themselves. The physical act of masturbation is exceptionally routine — at least for me. I could mix things up there as well if I wanted to get crazy, maybe switch hands or something, but why mess with what works? However, when it comes to the visual / imaginative stimulation, one scenario might work for days or weeks, and then just not be as much of a turn on. One particular story line or video clip might be a sure thing, and then one day it’s not. 

I used to think maybe it just got old. Like, you’ve watched that same scene enough that you’ve got it memorized so it’s just not exciting any more. However, there are favorite porn clips and scenarios that stop working, but work just fine again at a future point in time. There’s nothing wrong with the porn or scenario itself, my brain…and penis…just need something different for awhile. Variety, as they say, is the spice of life. 

What’s your experience? Do you have a routine? Do you masturbate essentially the same way every time? Or, do you like to mix things up from time to time? 

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